Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Great Debate

The results of the debate of earthshattering importance are now in. Actually they've been in for a while. I've got a brain like swiss cheese these days, so it's taken me a while to remember to post this. Or maybe, more accurately, my brain's like a full-to-the-brim glass of water...for every new bit that I've got to remember, something just drips right over the side. So I kept forgetting to write about the results of my informal poll.

Legos win hands down.

Clearly most of the respondents, whether online or in my face-to-face life, don't own those super pointy little Hot Wheels, all spikes and sharp stuff. Or at least they've never stepped on one in the dark at three in the morning. (That makes it hurt even more.)

The delay in posting the results had nothing to do with the fact that most people agreed with my wonderful husband. Nothing, I say.

I told him I won. Either he really doesn't read my blog or he's a very very smart man-- smart enough to keep his mouth shut, anyway.

1 comment:

Cristy said...

I was going to say Legos but never got around to it. Then I stepped on a Hot Wheel. I agree with you, dear sister. The wheels were pointing up and it hurt. : )