Now the challenge. I'm supposed to nominate five nice people. I don't even know five nice people. Just kidding. I know waaaaaaay more than five nice people, and I love you all.
Well, that's as far as I've gotten. I'm stumped. It's not nice to leave anyone out, is it?
But then again...it wouldn't be nice to take up ALL of the nice people, because then who would the rest of you nominate? I'll just choose 5 folks off the top of my head to put on the list. If you're not on it it's because I don't really like you all that much anyway. Er.....try again. If you're not on it, know that I still think you're cool and nice.
Julie R. at A Day in the Life. You're adorable. You always have something nice and supportive to say, and you leave the sweetest comments on my blog.
Alice at Elias in PA. Alice gardens, hikes, and is nice. She's one of those people who seems to be always cheerful and kind. (I know you're going to say "No I'm not!" but you are, at least in cyberspace. So there. No arguing.) Plus she has really cute kids.
Dawn at Follow Me. I love Dawn. I still have a beautiful card on the wall above my sewing table that Dawn sent me a long time ago when I was having a hard time. Dawn's kids like to fish and hike just like mine.
Da5id at Philosophical Musings. He's nice in real life. He's helpful and quiet and he does magic tricks for my kids, who love him. Plus I want to see if he'll put a pink flowery blog award on his blog. I'm betting not. Not because it's pink and flowery, I think he'd do pink and flowery, but a blog award for being nice....maybe not so much his thing. I dare you, David.
I'm out of time. My kids need to eat dinner, and since I'm such a nice mom I guess I'll go ahead and feed them tonight. If you have a blog and you're reading this, it's really you I was going to nominate in this fifth spot. You know who you are.
Sheesh, now I can't write nasty mean things about anyone or you'll all think to yourselves, "Gosh, she's not so nice after all." What to do, what to do?
Awwww, Cat...what a wonderful post. I just now am getting a chance to catch up. I love the new fishing pictures above!!! more great ones! love them! Hope you guys are having a wonderful weekend! Julie
Oh my gosh, I am so honored to be mentioned in your Nice 5. Thank you my friend, you just made my day! :o) ~Dawn
Cat, you are so nice!!! Thanks for giving me a nice nod. You are such a great friend!!!!
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