Friday, November 17, 2006


I got an email from a friend a couple days ago. In the course of the message she wrote something along the line that she was inspired by watching me parent. I glowed all day. I mention this not because I want to toot my own horn or hold myself up as an inspirational person...I mean, for heaven's sake, if I was Super Parent, would my kid's feet smell like toast? Would I tell my kids fart jokes?

The reason I mention the email is because I had no idea that this loving mom, a good friend, felt inspired by something that I'd done. I was just tootin' along, being my imperfect human ol' self. And still something or things I did and said resonated with another person. It makes me think in turn about the things I admire about my friend-- the humor she finds in life, her dedication to her children, the way she reaches out to the people around her-- and the things that inspire me about the people around me. My creative youngest sister who lives her life with so much zest and honesty. My homeschooling sister who is my sounding board about school and life, and one of the hardest workers I know. My smart and loving mom, who accepts our teasing with humor and grace. The neighbor mom who is always gentle and patient with her children. My dad's hard work and love for the outdoors, and my dad's wife who is always kind and never complains. I don't think I've ever said to any of these people, "Hey, I admire this about you. I see things in you that I want to emulate. You inspire me to try to be a better person."

The other thing that happened was that when I saw myself through my friend's eyes, I became the person she sees. This morning I drove back from piano lesson thinking about what she'd written and the way it contrasted with how we at Sunshine Acres Academy had started our school day-- we were all out of sorts. The ladies and gents were dawdling and distracted. I grumped and gruffed at dawdlers and distractions. "Hmmph!" I thought to myself. "Nothing inspiring about this." And it occurred to me in one of those lightbulb moments that I am a great mom, that I am the one who sets the tone for our day, that I can inspire my kids. When I walked through the door I clowned and goofed and complimented. I laughed and teased. I even fell down on purpose for a laugh. I probably looked and sounded a little crazed, but it worked. Our day together brightened, pulled out of that down-in-the-dumps mopey grumpy feel. We all had a great day together. Because my friend took that little bit of time to say "Hey, I like this about you," I remembered that I like that about myself too. And I made the extra effort it takes to be a better parent and person.

So...a challenge: Let someone know that they've inspired you.

Thanks, Kari. And thanks for the laughs tonight. You inspire me too, sweets.

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